Source code for popsynth.simulated_variable

import numpy as np

from .utils.logging import setup_logger

log = setup_logger(__name__)

[docs]class SimulatedVariable(np.ndarray): """ SimulatedVariables hold the observed and latent values from a population synth variable as well as its selection. The array displays as the observed values. The latent values can be accessed with x.latent Subsets of selected and non-selected values can be accessed: x.selected x.non_selected which return a SimulatedVariable that is a subset of the values. Math operations applied to the object will be applied to the observed and latent values. """ def __new__( cls, observed_values: np.ndarray, latent_values: np.ndarray, selection: np.ndarray, ): # Input array is an already formed ndarray instance # We first cast to be our class type obj = np.asarray(observed_values).view(cls) if len(selection) != len(observed_values): log.error( f"selection ({len(selection)}) is not the same length as observation ({len(observed_values)})" ) raise AssertionError() if len(latent_values) != len(observed_values): log.error("selection is not the same length as observation") raise AssertionError() # the selection on the value obj._selection: np.ndarray = selection # the latent values of the variable obj._latent_values: np.ndarray = latent_values # Finally, we must return the newly created object: return obj @property def latent(self) -> np.ndarray: """ The latent values simulated which are unobscured by measurement error :returns: """ return self._latent_values @property def selected(self) -> "SimulatedVariable": """ returns the latent and observed values that were selected as a new SimulatedVariable """ selected = self.view(np.ndarray)[self._selection] selected_latent = self._latent_values[self._selection] new_selection = np.ones_like(selected) return SimulatedVariable(selected, selected_latent, new_selection) @property def non_selected(self) -> "SimulatedVariable": """ returns the latent and observed values that were selected as a new SimulatedVariable """ non_selected = self.view(np.ndarray)[~self._selection] non_selected_latent = self._latent_values[~self._selection] new_selection = np.zeros_like(non_selected) return SimulatedVariable( non_selected, non_selected_latent, new_selection ) def __array_finalize__(self, obj): # see InfoArray.__array_finalize__ for comments if obj is None: return # Add the value self._selection = getattr(obj, "_selection", None) self._latent_values = getattr(obj, "_latent_values", None) def __getitem__(self, item): obs = self.view(np.ndarray).__getitem__(item) if not isinstance(obs, np.ndarray): return obs latent = self._latent_values.__getitem__(item) selection = self._selection.__getitem__(item) return SimulatedVariable(obs, latent, selection) def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, out=None, **kwargs): args = [] in_no = [] latent_args = [] is_reduction = False for i, input_ in enumerate(inputs): if isinstance(input_, SimulatedVariable): in_no.append(i) args.append(input_.view(np.ndarray)) latent_args.append(input_._latent_values.view(np.ndarray)) else: args.append(input_) latent_args.append(input_) outputs = out out_no = [] if outputs: out_args = [] for j, output in enumerate(outputs): if isinstance(output, SimulatedVariable): out_no.append(j) out_args.append(output.view(np.ndarray)) else: out_args.append(output) kwargs['out'] = tuple(out_args) else: outputs = (None,) * ufunc.nout info = {} if in_no: info['inputs'] = in_no if out_no: info['outputs'] = out_no results = super().__array_ufunc__(ufunc, method, *args, **kwargs) latent_results = super().__array_ufunc__( ufunc, method, *latent_args, **kwargs ) if results is NotImplemented: return NotImplemented if latent_results is NotImplemented: return NotImplemented if method == 'at': if isinstance(inputs[0], SimulatedVariable): print("oh shit") pass # inputs[0].info = info return if ufunc.nout == 1: results = (results,) latent_results = (latent_results,) final_results = [] for result, latent_result, output in zip( results, latent_results, outputs ): if output is None: if isinstance(result, np.ndarray): out = SimulatedVariable( result, latent_result, self._selection ) else: out = result else: out = output final_results.append(out) results = tuple(final_results) if results and isinstance(results[0], SimulatedVariable): pass return results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results