popsynth.utils package


popsynth.utils.array_to_cmap module

popsynth.utils.array_to_cmap.array_to_cmap(values, cmap, use_log: bool = False)[source]

Generates a color map and color list that is normalized to the values in an array. Allows for adding a 3rd dimension onto a plot.

  • values – A list a values to map into a cmap

  • cmap – The mpl colormap to use

  • use_log (bool) – True if the mapping should be done in log space False by default.


A color map and a normalized color list

popsynth.utils.configuration module

class popsynth.utils.configuration.LogConsole(on: bool = True, level: str = 'WARNING')[source]

Bases: object

on: bool = True
level: str = 'WARNING'
__init__(on: bool = True, level: str = 'WARNING') None
class popsynth.utils.configuration.LogFile(on: bool = True, level: str = 'WARNING')[source]

Bases: object

on: bool = True
level: str = 'WARNING'
__init__(on: bool = True, level: str = 'WARNING') None
class popsynth.utils.configuration.Logging(debug: bool = False, console: popsynth.utils.configuration.LogConsole = LogConsole(on=True, level='WARNING'), file: popsynth.utils.configuration.LogFile = LogFile(on=True, level='WARNING'))[source]

Bases: object

debug: bool = False
console: LogConsole = LogConsole(on=True, level='WARNING')
file: LogFile = LogFile(on=True, level='WARNING')
__init__(debug: bool = False, console: LogConsole = LogConsole(on=True, level='WARNING'), file: LogFile = LogFile(on=True, level='WARNING')) None
class popsynth.utils.configuration.Cosmology(Om: float = 0.307, h0: float = 67.7)[source]

Bases: object

Om: float = 0.307
h0: float = 67.7
__init__(Om: float = 0.307, h0: float = 67.7) None
class popsynth.utils.configuration.PopSynthConfig(logging: popsynth.utils.configuration.Logging = Logging(debug=False, console=LogConsole(on=True, level='WARNING'), file=LogFile(on=True, level='WARNING')), cosmology: popsynth.utils.configuration.Cosmology = Cosmology(Om=0.307, h0=67.7), show_progress: bool = True)[source]

Bases: object

logging: Logging = Logging(debug=False, console=LogConsole(on=True, level='WARNING'), file=LogFile(on=True, level='WARNING'))
cosmology: Cosmology = Cosmology(Om=0.307, h0=67.7)
show_progress: bool = True
__init__(logging: Logging = Logging(debug=False, console=LogConsole(on=True, level='WARNING'), file=LogFile(on=True, level='WARNING')), cosmology: Cosmology = Cosmology(Om=0.307, h0=67.7), show_progress: bool = True) None

popsynth.utils.cosmology module

popsynth.utils.hdf5_utils module

popsynth.utils.hdf5_utils.recursively_save_dict_contents_to_group(h5file, path, dic: Dict[Any, Any])[source]

Save dict to HDF5.

  • h5file – HDF5 file

  • path – Path inside file

  • dic (Dict[Any, Any]) – Dictionary to save

popsynth.utils.hdf5_utils.recursively_load_dict_contents_from_group(h5file, path)[source]

Load files from hdf5.

  • h5file – HDF5 file

  • path – Path in file


A dictionary

Return type

Dict[Any, Any]

popsynth.utils.hdf5_utils.fill_graph_dict(graph_dict, fill_value=1)[source]

Fill a networkx graph dict so that it can be stored in an HDF5 file.


Clean networkx graph dict so that it can be stored in an HDF5 file.

popsynth.utils.logging module

class popsynth.utils.logging.ColoredFormatter(*args, colors: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Formatter

Colored log formatter.

__init__(*args, colors: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, **kwargs) None[source]

Initialize the formatter with specified format strings.

format(record) str[source]

Format the specified record as text.

class popsynth.utils.logging.MyFilter(level)[source]

Bases: object

class popsynth.utils.logging.LoggingState(popsynth_usr_log_handler, popsynth_console_log_handler)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(popsynth_usr_log_handler, popsynth_console_log_handler)[source]

A container to store the state of the logs.


Supress warning messages in console and file usr logs.


Supress warning messages in console and file usr logs.


Turn off all logging.


Turn off all logging and progress bars.


Turn on all progress bars and logging.


Re-activate silenced logs.


Activate debug in the console.


Set up a new logger.


name – Name of the logger

popsynth.utils.meta module

class popsynth.utils.meta.Parameter(default: Optional[float] = None, vmin: Optional[float] = None, vmax: Optional[float] = None, free: bool = True, is_normalization: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(default: Optional[float] = None, vmin: Optional[float] = None, vmax: Optional[float] = None, free: bool = True, is_normalization: bool = False)[source]

Parameter base class.

  • default (Optional[float]) – Default parameter value

  • vmin (Optional[float]) – Minimum parameter value

  • vmax (Optional[float]) – Maximum parameter value

  • free – If True, parameter is free

property default: Optional[float]
property is_normalization: bool
property free

‘p.free = True’ or ‘p.free = False’.


Gets or sets whether the parameter is free or not. Use booleans, like

property fix

‘p.fix = True’ or ‘p.fix = False’.


Gets or sets whether the parameter is fixed or not. Use booleans, like

class popsynth.utils.meta.ParameterMeta(name, bases, attrs, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: type

popsynth.utils.package_data module

popsynth.utils.package_data.get_path_of_data_file(data_file) Path[source]
popsynth.utils.package_data.get_path_of_log_dir() Path[source]
popsynth.utils.package_data.get_path_of_log_file(file_name: str) Path[source]

popsynth.utils.progress_bar module

popsynth.utils.progress_bar.progress_bar(itr, **kwargs)[source]

popsynth.utils.registry module

popsynth.utils.rejection_sample module

popsynth.utils.rejection_sample.rejection_sample(size, ymax, xmax, func)[source]

Rejection sample func up to ymax and xmax.

  • size – Number of samples

  • ymax – Maximum value of y

  • xmax – Maximum value of x

  • func – Function

popsynth.utils.spherical_geometry module

popsynth.utils.spherical_geometry.sample_theta_phi(size: int)[source]

Sample size samples uniformly on the surface of the unit sphere.

popsynth.utils.spherical_geometry.xyz(r, theta, phi)[source]

Convert spherical coordinates to Cartesian.

Module contents